I’ve been neglecting to blog again. It isn’t because I’ve been too busy with my Dutch class this time. It may have something to do with this reasoning: “if I don’t have time to study my Dutch (for the upcoming course starting Feb 5), I don’t have time to blog”. But really, I think it is something else - lack of inspiration.
It’s just that there isn’t much exciting going on in my life right now. I’ve been keeping myself busy here and there, but do people want to hear about what I made for dinner last night? Or that I spent almost two hours fixing the belt loop on my jeans because it required this special stitch on the sewing machine and the manual is in Dutch? Or that I spent the afternoon ironing and watching my new Gilmore Girls season 6 on DVD? Probably not.
Or it might be that I lack the creativity to turn my ordinary day into an interesting read. How do say “I got up, had a shower, cleaned the bathroom, emptied the dishwasher, checked my email, figured out what we were to have for dinner, went to the grocery store, watched Oprah, tidied the living room, made dinner, and then Brad came home…” in way that isn’t boring?
But don’t get me wrong – I am not bored. In fact, I’ve got 4 or 5 projects ready to go whenever I run out of daily activities. And just wait until my Dutch class starts again! Then my free time will diminish quite quickly. Plus I’m so happy to have such a low key life. Nearly every morning when Brad says goodbye I reply with “thanks for my life”.
It’s funny - almost every time I meet a new person they inquire about what I’m doing here in the Netherlands. My standard answer: “I’m a stay-at-home wife”. Then they look puzzled and again ask me what I do to keep myself busy. Sometimes I ask them about what they do on Saturdays when they aren’t working. They give me a list of activities similar to the things I mentioned above.
Then I ask them if they’d get bored if everyday was Saturday and they say “yes”. That’s when the conversation ends. Sometimes I recount my list of scheduled activities - Ikea, Bible study, Church - but usually I just smile and conclude that I do indeed have a lovely, boring life!
So if my blogs are few and far between, be patient. I'll get inspired again one of these days.
hi mollie,
good to catch up on your lives a bit! i echo your sentiment about how lovely it is to be able to stay at home... i did that too after we were married... i got a lot of the same reactions, but i loved it!!! there's so much opportunity to get involved that no one else has cuz they're too busy working!
cecilia (brad's cousin...)
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