Dutch Bliss

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

We have started going to a HOST Bible study on Wednesday nights in addition to our church activities. Ironically, all of the members at the Bible study also go to our church. However, it is not affiliated with our church because the laws here require it to be independent of any church body. There are four HOST Bible studies total in Groningen comprised of 40-50 internationals.

We typically meet at one of our houses for dinner around 6:30pm. Interestingly, internationals never arrive on time, but Nederlanders do. We have dinner, and in true Dutch style, have coffee and dessert before the study. As you can imagine, we don't often get started on the Bible study portion until 8 or 8:30. When we finally wrap up, it is 10:30. Which is quite late by N. American standards especially when you still have to bike home!

Our group consists of ten people from all parts of the world. One couple is newly married from Korea, another is from the Midwestern United States, and the other is an American girl married to a Nederlander. The singles are from Rwanda and Holland.

While language sometimes is a hindrance, we have lively discussions about the Bible, about the Character of God, and about our own convictions. I am often truely amazed at the perspective that the others give about the love of God. The husband from our Korean couple has such insight at times. And while his cute little wife can hardly communicate in English, her prayers are so genuine and sincere.

We have made friends with the couple from the Midwest, John and Suzanne. While they are both quite a bit younger than we are, we admire them because they are so grounded in their faith. John plays professional basketball for the team in Holland. While they’ve only been here in Groningen since August (last season in another city), John has already started a Bible study with the members of his team. I’m always impressed at how open he is about his faith.

Suzanne and I have become fast friends and weekly attend the ladies Bible study through the church. We also go shopping together at least once per week and she has helped me settle into being a wife here in Groningen. I don’t know what I would do without her. We are grateful for their friendship and someone to relate our experiences with.

God has blessed us in many ways here, but so far meeting these great Christian brothers and sisters is the biggest blessing of all.


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