Dutch Bliss

Monday, August 20, 2007

(Olivia feeding one of the twins)

When I first arrived back in N. America in late April, the twins were about a week old and still in the hospital. Up until I arrived, my mom and my sister's husband were taking turns hanging out at home with Olivia while the other went with my sister to the hospital to feed the twins.

My arrival was great timing because Olivia needed someone new to hang out with since she was really starting to miss her Mommy. Although I wasn't Mommy, me and my suitcase full of presents were a nice distraction. During one of our afternoons at home together, she suddenly stopped playing and asked me:

"Auntie Mollie, do you have a baby in your tummy?"

I wasn't surprised at her question because she had been pretending to have a baby in her tummy ever since she understood what it meant that Mommy had had a baby in her tummy. Plus, her other auntie also recently had a baby, so this was a logical question for her to ask me. I'd even heard her ask my mom this question a few times.

Interestingly, this was still a few days before I found out I was pregnant so I really had no idea that I indeed did have a baby in my tummy (although I did realize it was a possibility). So I answered her with a question:

"Olivia, who puts babies in mommys' tummys?"

"God does," she responded.

"Should we ask God to put a baby in my tummy?"

"Okay," she answered. Then she looked at me kind of shyly and expectantly.

"Should we pray right now?" I asked her.


So I put her on my lap and said a short prayer asking God to put a baby in my tummy. It was only a few days later that I got to tell her that there was a baby in my tummy and that God answered our prayer. She thought that was pretty cool and now is really excited that there's a baby in my tummy too.

I wonder what she is going to do when my baby is born and there are no more babies in tummys?


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